Our academy, which was established under the Presidency of Anadolu University in 1990, started associate degree education with Radiology, Prosthesis-Orthotics, Medical Laboratory, Audiometry and Nursing Programs.
With the establishment of Osmangazi University in 1993, Our academy was affiliated to Rectorate of Osmangazi University with the Decree-law No. 496 dated 18.8.1993.
The Audiometry Program was closed in 2000 and had given a total of 136 graduates.
The Nursing Program has not received students because of the transformation of Nursing education into undergraduate education throughout the country after 1995 and has given a total of 187 graduates.
Medical Documentation and Secretariat in 1996, Ambulance and Emergency Care Technician in 1997, Optician Program in 2000 and Elderly Care Program in 2010 are opened and continue education and training with 7 programs.
Since 2012, our Çifteler campus consists of 2 departments and 2 programs (Medical Documentation and Secretarial Program and Elderly Care Program) in Çifteler district of our city.
After changing the program names in the higher education board, the departments and programs of our school are listed as follows;
Medical Services and Techniques Department
- First Aid and Emergency Program
- Medical Laboratory Techniques Program
- Optician Program
- Orthopedic Prosthesis and Orthotic Program
- Medical Imaging Techniques Program
- Medical Documentation and Secretarial Program
- Medical Documentation and Secretarial Program (Çifteler)
Health Care Services Department
- Elderly Care Program
- Elderly Care Program (Çifteler)
Our School, which has been in constant change and development since its establishment, gave 1890 graduated students between the years 1992- 2010.
Our graduates receive the Vocational School (Associate Degree) diploma and the title of Health Technician because of the education supported by theoretical courses, practices and summer internships.
Our graduates work in public hospitals, private sector hospitals, clinics, and Medical Firms. Students who graduate from Optician and Prosthetics-Orthotic Programs can start their own workplaces if they wish.